Drive the ship that will be in charge of taking bitcoin to its great victory, don't let the altcoins get in the way, they will try everything possible to defeat you and destroy the ship.

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Invader Coins Main Image


Learn more about the Coins Invaders video game by watching the game trailer.

Coins invaders video presentation

History of the character

Everyone wants to destroy me because I am the crypto that fights against the monetary tyranny of central banks and oligopolies. Don't let altcoins destroy our ship.
Enjoy smashing altcoins and dominate the crypto world!


If you believe in the success of Bitcoin, you can have fun destroying various altercoins in an all-out war. May the best cryptocurrency win!.

Feedback on Invading Coins


I think it's a fun game. The story video is for laughs. A little long but it's a fun story.Typical arcade game where aliens are killed, in this case altcoins - Artyom


This game is Space Invaders with extra steps.Its a short game, about ~10 minutes of game-play, and it is fun. If you played Space Invaders then its about the same game just with way better graphicsand a bit of extra story.Its a fun game with nice memes and that's why I recommended it. - @RirelG


Coins Invaders is one of the best March 2022 games to play on Steam platform.


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